The port provides a first-class service and exemplary facilities in an ideal location.
Holyhead Port has two cruise ship berths:
Stena Line's Deep-Water Berth and the Inner Harbour Refit Berth.
The Deep-Water Berth is operated 24 hours a day. It's lock-free, located on the Irish Sea coast, and within easy reach of several major cities in the UK and Ireland (Latitude: 53° 19’N Longitude 004° 37’W).
Open to commercial traffic, the jetty is a concrete deck on steel raking piles, which is managed on behalf of Stena Line.
Vessels of up to 300 meters can be accommodated.
The depth of the approach channel to the jetty is 11.4m above chart datum and the minimum depth alongside the jetty is 10.0m. The height of the jetty deck above low water is 8.7m.
Please contact us using the contact page for further info and bookings.
Refit Berth - located in the Inner Harbour for vessels up to 100m long. There is 4.2 meters available at LWS.
Cruise Ships