An individual or organisation planning to hold a marine event within Holyhead harbour must first obtain approval.
Application for approval of a Marine Event
Races and similar events must be conducted on courses and at times approved by the Harbour Master or his representative.The organiser of an event may be an individual or sporting organisation, such as a sailing club. A named person, who has the authority to represent the sponsoring organisation, with regard to the marine event.
Navigational information including: Local Notices to Mariners, Marine Safety and Information Circulars, Live weather for the Port, Cruise vessel schedule, Vessel movements and Annual Tide predictions can be found on this website to assist with your planning.
Visit the RYA web site, there you will find “Guidance notes on Risk Assessments, for events in Harbour authority Areas”. Also “Five steps to Risk Assessment”
Timeline for Submission:
The Holyhead Bye-Laws require a submission for approval be made no later than seven days before the event. To ensure adequate time is allowed to process applications it is suggested they should be submitted 60 days prior to the event. More than one request to hold an event on the same day will be dealt with on a first come basis. Regular and Annual Events: Regularly held events such as weekly club races need only apply once per season as long as:
1. The nature, location, scheduling and other relevant information contained in the original application essentially remains the same.
2. The Harbour Master receives no objection to the event continuing.
3. There are no marine incidents attributed to the marine event. Events held annually need approval annually.
Events held over a period of time for instance a Regatta held over a weekend should have all races listed but a single method statement only is required as long as the method of control remains the same. Responsibility: The organiser of the marine event is totally responsible for the safe conduct of the event, including the safety if participants, spectators, transient craft and of real personal property in the area. The organiser shall supply the Harbour Master a method statement for the whole event and a full risk assessment using the established practice of risk to be as low as practical (ALARP).The organiser of a marine event is responsible for the following regulations applicable to their specific event and those set out in harbour authority Bye-Laws and directions.
The organiser’s responsibilities also include preparation such as instructions to and qualifications of participants, safety equipment inspections, rescue and first aid facilities, control of activities, removal of obstructions to navigation, and the placing and removal of all course markers. The Harbour Master takes no part in performing functions which are solely for the protection of participants and assumes no responsibility in this regard. Participants shall be adequately briefed and their boats equipped as required by law and relevant codes of practice.
Marine Events